
Bot Manager

Bot Manager is designed to mitigate undesired bot traffic and prevent them from performing undesired or malicious activity, such as scraping your site, carding, taking over accounts through credential stuffing, spamming your forms, launching DDoS attacks, and committing ad fraud.
There are two versions of Bot Manager:
  • Bot Manager Standard: This version is designed to mitigate basic bots through a browser challenge.
    Solving a challenge requires a JavaScript-enabled client. Users that have disabled JavaScript on their browsing session will be unable to access content protected by bot rules.
  • Bot Manager Advanced: This version adds an additional layer of security that is dedicated to bot detection and mitigation. It is designed to automatically detect known bots (e.g., search bots) and bad bots, including those that spoof good bots, by analyzing requests and behavior. You may even customize how bad bots are detected and mitigated by defining custom criteria that profiles a bad bot and the action that we will take for that traffic. Bot Manager Advanced is also able to mitigate basic bots by requiring a web browser to resolve a JavaScript challenge before our service will resolve traffic. Finally, it provides actionable near real-time data on detected bots through which you may fine-tune your configuration to reduce false positives.
Bot Manager requires activation. Contact your account manager or our sales department at 1 (866) 200 - 5463 to upgrade your account.

How Does It Work?

The differences between the behavior of Bot Manager Standard and Bot Manager Advanced are described below.

Bot Manager Standard

Bot Manager Standard requires a client (e.g., a web browser) to solve a challenge before resolving the request. Edgio Security blocks traffic when the client cannot solve this challenge within a few seconds. Basic bots typically cannot solve this type of challenge and therefore their traffic is blocked. Learn more.

Bot Manager Advanced

Bot Manager Advanced inspects each request to determine whether the request:
  1. Matches an exception. Exceptions identify trafic that should bypass bot detection.
  2. Matches a rule. A rule defines the criteria that our service will use to identify a bad bot.
    You may identify bots using:
    • Information derived from the request, such as geolocation, IP address, and the URL path.
    • Our request and behavioral analysis that assigns a bot score to the request that defines our level of confidence that it is a bot.
      You may set actions based off of bot score thresholds.
      For example, you may redirect requests whose bot score is between 50 and 80% and block requests whose bot score is greater than 80%.
    • The JA3 fingerprint assigned to the request. A JA3 fingerprint identifies a client using key characteristics from a TLS request. This allows us to classify traffic as a specific bot across various IP addresses and ports.
  3. Matches a known good bot (e.g., search bot).
  4. Is spoofing a known good bot.
Key information:
  • Your configuration determines how our service will handle the above traffic patterns.
  • If a request satisfies multiple criteria, then the above order determines the action that will be applied to it. Specifically, the order of precedence is:
    Exceptions > Bots Identified by a Rule > Known Bots > Spoofed Bots
  • Bypass the above bot detection measures by creating an exception for one or more URL(s), user agent(s), JA3 fingerprint(s), or cookie(s).


If you are using Bot Manager Standard, then you may only apply a browser challenge to requests. If you are using Bot Manager Advanced, then you may apply any of the following enforcement actions to bot traffic:
  • Alert: Generates an alert. Use this mode to track detected threats through the Security dashboard without impacting production traffic.
  • Block: Drops the request and the client will receive a 403 Forbidden response.
  • Browser Challenge: Sends a browser challenge to the client. The client must solve this challenge within a few seconds.
    Response: The results of the above browser challenge determines what happens next.
    • Solved: If the client is able to solve the challenge, then our CDN serves the requested content. Additionally, a cookie will be added to the user’s session. This cookie instructs our CDN to serve content to the user without requiring a browser challenge. Once the cookie expires, new requests for content protected by Bot Manager will once again require the client to solve a challenge.
      Define the duration for this cookie through the Valid for (in seconds) option.
    • Unsolved: If the client is unable to solve the challenge, then our CDN responds with a new browser challenge.
    Key information:
    • Solving a challenge requires a JavaScript-enabled client. Users that have disabled JavaScript on their browsing session will be unable to access content protected by browser challenges.
    • We strongly recommend that you avoid applying browser challenges to machine-to-machine interactions.
      For example, applying browser challenges to API traffic will disrupt your API workflow.
    • The HTTP Status Code option determines the HTTP status code for the response provided to clients that are being served the browser challenge.
      Setting this option to certain status codes (e.g., 204) may prevent clients that successfully solve a browser challenge from properly displaying your site.
    • You may define a custom payload for the browser challenge by enabling the Custom Browser Challenge Page option and then setting the Browser Challenge Page Template option to a Base64-encoded HTML page that we will serve as a custom browser challenge. This HTML page must satisfy the following requirements:
      • It must contain the following mustache: {{BOT_JS}}
        Due to the speed at which our JavaScript function is executed, we recommend that you place the {{BOT_JS}} mustache after all rendered content (e.g., near the end of the document’s body).
        We will replace the above {{BOT_JS}} mustache with JavaScript upon serving a browser challenge.
      • It must check whether the user agent allows JavaScript using a <noscript> tag. Your custom HTML must display an error message if it has been disabled.
      • If your scripts sets third-party cookies, then your custom HTML must display an error message if they have been disabled.
  • Custom Response: Returns a custom response.
    • Response Body: Define the payload that will be delivered to the client.
      This option supports the use of event variables to customize the response.
      Sample payload for a HTML file:
      1<!DOCTYPE html><html>
      3<head><title>Page Not Found</title></head>
      5<body>Page not found.</body>
    • HTTP Status Code: Defines the HTTP status code that will be sent to the client.
      View valid status codes.
      • 100
      • 101
      • 102
      • 200
      • 201
      • 202
      • 203
      • 204
      • 205
      • 206
      • 207
      • 208
      • 226
      • 300
      • 301
      • 302
      • 303
      • 304
      • 305
      • 306
      • 307
      • 308
      • 400
      • 401
      • 402
      • 403
      • 404
      • 405
      • 406
      • 407
      • 408
      • 409
      • 410
      • 411
      • 412
      • 413
      • 414
      • 415
      • 416
      • 417
      • 421
      • 422
      • 423
      • 424
      • 426
      • 428
      • 429
      • 431
      • 451
      • 500
      • 501
      • 502
      • 503
      • 504
      • 505
      • 507
      • 508
      • 509
      • 510
      • 511
    • Custom Response Headers: Defines one or more response headers that will be sent to the client. Define each custom response header on a separate line.
      Syntax: <HEADER>:<VALUE>
      Example: MyCustomHeader: True
      This option supports the use of event variables to customize the response.
      All characters, including spaces, defined before or after the colon will be treated as a part of the specified header name or value, respectively.
  • reCAPTCHA: Performs an automated assessment of a client’s interaction with your site. This assessment, which is performed without user interaction, requires Google reCAPTCHA v3.
    Response: The results of the above reCAPTCHA determines what happens next.
    • Acceptable: If the client’s reCAPTCHA score is acceptable, then our CDN serves the requested content. Additionally, a cookie will be added to the user’s session. This cookie instructs our CDN to serve content to the user without performing an additional reCAPTCHA assessment. Once the cookie expires, new requests for content protected by Bot Manager will require the client’s interactions with your site to be reassessed.
      Define the duration for this cookie through the Valid for (in seconds) option.
    • Unacceptable: If the client’s reCAPTCHA score is unacceptable, then the response from the CDN is determined by the enforcement action defined within the reCAPTCHA’s Rule Action option. You may set this option to any enforcement action, with the exception of Browser Challenge, that has been enabled within this bot rule set.
    Key information:
    • Google reCAPTCHA v3 is a score-based system that learns through real traffic. For this reason, we recommend that you avoid applying reCAPTCHA to machine-to-machine interactions.
    • Setting up reCAPTCHA requires:
      1. Adding reCAPTCHA v3 to your site through Google. Upon adding reCAPTCHA to your site, Google will provide a reCAPTCHA site key and secret key.
      2. Configure a reCAPTCHA action within the desired bot rule set.
      3. From the Bot Rules tab, find the desired bot rule(s) and set the Rule Action option to reCAPTCHA. Save your changes.
      4. From the desired Security Application configuration:
        1. Verify that the Production Bot Manager option is set to the above bot rule set.
        2. Toggle the reCAPTCHA off option to reCAPTCHA on.
        3. Set the reCAPTCHA Site Key option to the site key provided by Google in step 1.
        4. Set the reCAPTCHA Secret Key option to the secret key provided by Google in step 1.
        5. Save your changes.
    • The Action Status option determines the HTTP status code for the response provided to clients that are being assessed through reCAPTCHA.
      Setting this option to certain status codes (e.g., 204) may prevent clients from properly displaying your site.
  • Redirect: Redirects requests to the specified URL.
    Key information:
    • The HTTP status code for this response will be a 302 Found.
    • Set the URL option to the full URL to which requests will be redirected.
      Example: http://cdn.mydomain.com/marketing/busy.html
  • Silent Close: Drops the request without providing a response to the client.

Bot Manager Configuration

Each rule within a Bot Manager configuration identifies bot traffic. Each rule contains:
  • Up to 6 conditions that define request identification criteria.
  • A rule ID and message that will be associated with requests identified by this rule.
    Assigning a unique ID and message to each rule makes it easy to identify requests detected as a result of a specific rule.
    A rule ID must be a number between 77,000,000 and 77,999,999.
A Bot Manager configuration may contain up to 10 rules.

Custom Bot Detection

A request must satisfy at least one rule before WAF will consider it bot traffic. A rule is satisfied when a match is found for each of its conditions. A condition defines what will be matched (i.e., variable), how it will be matched (i.e., operator), and a match value.
Certain variables match on key-value pairs. If you match on multiple keys within a single variable, Edgio Security will only need to find one of those matches to satisfy that variable.
For example, if you set up a request header variable to match for Authorization and Content-Type, then requests that contain either or both of those headers will satisfy that variable.
Bot detection through a Edgio Reputation DB rule has been deprecated. Although existing rules may contine to use this database, you may not assign it to a new rule.
Example #1:
This example assumes that your Bot Manager configuration contains the following two rules:
1Custom matchesThis rule contains a single condition.
2Custom matchesThis rule contains two conditions.
Assuming the above configuration, WAF identifies bot traffic whenever either of the following conditions are met:
  • A match is found for the variable defined in the first rule’s condition.
  • A match is found for the variables defined in both of the second rule’s conditions.
Example #2:
This example assumes that your Bot Manager configuration contains the following two rules:
1Custom matchesThis rule contains two conditions.
2Edgio Reputation DBThis rule is satisfied when the client’s IP address matches an IP address within our reputation database.
Assuming the above configuration, Edgio Security applies bot rules protection under either of the following circumstances:
  • A match is found for the variables defined in both of the first rule’s conditions.
  • The client’s IP address matches an IP address within our reputation database.


A condition determines how requests will be identified through variables, operators, match values, transformations, and negative matching.
A variable identifies the request element that Edgio Security will analyze. We support the following request elements:
  • ASN: Identifies requests by the Autonomous System Number (ASN) associated with the client’s IP address.
    Specify a regular expression to match for multiple ASNs.
    Use the following pattern to match for requests from 15133 and 14153: 15133|14153
  • Bot score: Bot Manager Advanced only. Identifies requests based off a score that defines our level of confidence that it is a bot. This score is calculated by analyzing the request and its behavior. The range for this score is 0 to 100.
  • Country: Identifies requests by the country from which the request originated. Specify the desired country using a country code.
    Specify a regular expression to match for multiple country codes.
    Use the following pattern to match for requests from the United States, Canada, and Mexico: US|CA|MX
  • IP address: Identify requests by the requester’s IPv4 and/or IPv6 address.
    • Specify a comma-delimited list of the desired IP address(es) using standard IPv4/IPv6 and CIDR notation.
    • Specify a subnet by appending a slash (/) and the desired bit-length of the prefix (e.g.,
    • Do not specify more than 1,000 IP addresses or IP blocks.
  • Ja3: Bot Manager Advanced only. Identifies requests by the JA3 fingerprint assigned to the request. A JA3 fingerprint identifies a client using key characteristics from a TLS request. This allows us to classify traffic as a specific bot across various IP addresses and ports.
  • Request cookies: Match against all or specific cookies.
    • All: Do not specify the desired cookie within this variable. Specify the desired cookie value or pattern within the Match value option.
    • Specific Cookies: Define the name of the desired cookie within this variable. Specify the desired cookie value or pattern within the Match value option.
      Setting up a cookie variable also allows you to define whether Edgio Security uses a regular expression, a negative match, or both when comparing the value assigned to the variable against cookies. Use a negative match to find requests whose payload does not contain the specified cookie.
  • Request header: Match against all or specific request headers.
    • All: Do not specify the desired request header within this variable and specify the desired header value or pattern within the Match value option.
    • Specific Request Headers: Define the name of the desired request header within this variable and specify the desired header value or pattern within the Match value option.
      Setting up a request header variable also allows you to define whether Edgio Security uses a regular expression, a negative match, or both when comparing the value assigned to the variable against request headers. Use a negative match to find requests whose payload does not contain the specified request header.
  • Request method: Match against request method (e.g., GET and POST).
  • Request query: Match against the request’s query string. Specify the desired value or pattern within the Match value option.
  • Request URI: Match against the request’s URL path and query string. Define a URL path that starts directly after the hostname. Exclude the protocol and hostname when defining this property.
    Sample values: /marketing?id=123456 and /resources/images
  • Request URL path: Match against the request’s URL path. Define a URL path that starts directly after the hostname. Exclude the protocol, hostname, and query string when defining this property.
    Sample values: /marketing and /resources/images
All variables support the ability to match on the number of times that a request element is found within the request. Set up a variable to match on the number of instances instead of inspecting the element for a specific value or regular expression pattern by marking the Count option.
You may define zero or more keys when setting up variables that match on key-value pairs. Edgio Security must find at least one of the specified keys in the request before that variable will be satisfied. For example, if you set up a request header variable to match for Authorization and Content-Type, then requests that contain either or both of those headers will satisfy that variable.
An operator determines how Edgio Security will compare a match value against the request element identified by a variable.
  • Begins with: A match is found when the request element starts with the specified match value.
  • Contains: A match is found when the request element contains the specified match value.
  • Ends with:  A match is found when the request element ends with the specified match value.
  • Exact match:  A match is found when the request element is an exact match to the specified match value.
    Avoid enabling the Negative match option with the Exact match operator. This configuration will not yield the expected set of matches.
  • Regex: A match is found when the request element satisfies the regular expression defined in the match value.
  • Value match: A match is found when the request element occurs the exact number of times defined in the match value.
    The Value match operator should only be used when the Count option has been enabled.
Match Value
Edgio Security uses a match value to identify threats.
  • Default: By default, Edgio Security compares a match value against the request element identified by a variable (e.g., URL path or a request header’s value).
  • Count: Enable the Count option on a variable to compare this value against the number of times that the request element identified by a variable (e.g., a specific cookie or request header) occurs within the request.
This example assumes the following configuration:
1Variable: Request header = Authentication
2Match value: 1
We will now examine how the Count option affects comparisons for this configuration.
  • Disabled: If the Count option has been disabled on the variable, then Edgio Security will compare the value of the Authentication request header to 1.
  • Enabled: If the Count option has been enabled on the variable, then Edgio Security will compare the number of times that the Authentication request header occurred in the request to 1.
The type of comparison that will be performed is determined by the Operator option.


Bot Manager Advanced allows you to exempt traffic from bot detection by URL, user agent, JA3 fingerprint, and cookie.
Key information:
  • Define each entry on a separate line.
  • URL, user agents, and cookies are regular expressions.
  • A JA3 fingerprint identifies a client using key characteristics from a TLS request.
  • Our service will only bypass bot detection when it finds an exact match for a JA3 fingerprint exception.
    Use the Security dashboard to find the JA3 fingerprint that corresponds to a false positive.

Bot Manager Configuration Administration

You may create, modify, and delete Bot Manager configurations.
Key information:
  • Administer Bot Manager configurations from the Bot Manager page.
  • Apply a Bot Manager configuration to production traffic by adding it to a Security Application configuration. Multiple Security Application Manager configurations may use the same Bot Manager configuration.
  • It typically takes less than a minute to apply Bot Manager configuration changes across our entire network.
To create a Bot Manager configuration
  1. Navigate to the Bot Manager page.
    1. From the Edgio Console, select the desired organization.
    2. From the Security section, click Bot Manager.
  2. Click + New Bot Manager.
  3. In the Name option, type the unique name by which this Bot Manager configuration will be identified. This name should be sufficiently descriptive to identify it when setting up a Security Application Manager configuration.
  4. Set up the desired enforcement action(s).
    Bot Manager Standard only supports browser challenges. Once you have defined a browser challenge, skip to step 7.
    • Perform the following steps to set up a browser challenge:
      1. From the HTTP status code option, determine the HTTP status code for the response provided to clients that are being served the browser challenge.
        Setting this option to certain status codes (e.g., 204) may prevent clients that successfully solve a browser challenge from properly displaying your site.
      2. From the Valid for (in seconds) option, type the number of seconds for which our CDN will serve content to a client that solves a browser challenge without requiring an additional browser challenge to be solved. Specify a value between 1 and 1,000,000 seconds.
      3. Serve a custom browser challenge by enabling the Custom Browser Challenge Page option and then setting the Browser Challenge Page Template option to the desired payload.
    • Bot Manager Advanced: Set up a browser challenge (see above), custom response, or redirect that can be applied to known bots, spoofed bots, and bots detected through rules.
      Unlike other actions, alert actions do not require configuration before they can be applied to bot traffic.
      • Block: From the Actions section, select Block and then toggle it to the on position.
      • Custom Response: Perform the following steps:
        1. From the Actions section, select Custom Response.
        2. From the Response Body option, specify the body of the response that will be sent to clients.
        3. From the HTTP status code option, determine the HTTP status code for the response that will be sent to clients.
        4. From the Response Headers option, define each desired custom response header on a separate line.
          Example: MyCustomHeader: True
      • reCAPTCHA: Perform the following steps to set up a reCAPTCHA:
        1. Set the Rule Action option to the enforcement action that will be applied when a client’s reCAPTCHA score falls below an acceptable level.
        2. From the Action Status option, determine the HTTP status code for the response provided to clients that are being served the reCAPTCHA.
          Setting this option to certain status codes (e.g., 204) may prevent clients from properly displaying your site.
        3. From the Valid for (in seconds) option, type the number of seconds for which our CDN will serve content to a client with an acceptable reCAPTCHA score without reassessment. Specify a value between 1 and 1,000,000 seconds.
        You must enable reCAPTCHA within a Security Application configuration and provide your Google reCAPTCHA site and secret keys.
      • Redirect: Set the URL option to the full URL to which requests will be redirected.
  5. Bot Manager Advanced only. Perform the following steps to automatically detect known bots:
    1. From the left-hand pane, verify that Known Bots is selected.
    2. Select whether to apply an action to all known bots (Toggle all), a specific bot, or to 200+ bots (other).
      Toggle other to apply an action to 200+ known good bots. This option excludes the bots listed on the Known Bots tab.
    3. From the Actions column, select the action that will be applied to each known bot that was enabled in the previous step.
    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.
  6. Bot Manager Advanced only. The Spoofed Bots section determines how to handle traffic that spoofs the known bots selected in the previous step. From the Rule Action option, select the desired action.
    The Spoofed Bots section does not apply to the 200+ known bots defined within the other category.
  7. Create rules for identifying bots from the Bot Rules tab.
    1. Click + New Rule. A rule is satisfied when a match is found for each of its conditions.
    2. In the Rule message option, type a brief description for this rule.
    3. In the Rule Action option, choose how this rule will be enforced.
    4. In the Rule ID option, specify a number between 77,000,000 and 77,999,999.
    5. Modify the default condition to determine how WAF will identify requests. From the condition’s Variable option, select the request element through which WAF will identify requests.
      Learn more about variables.
    6. Certain variables (e.g., request cookies and request header) match on name and value. If you have selected this type of variable, then perform the following steps:
      1. Click + Add Match.
      2. From the Name option, type the desired name.
        For example, match for requests that contain an Authorization header by setting this option to Authorization.
      3. Optional. Mark the Negative Match option to match for requests that do not contain a matching value for the name defined in the previous step.
      4. If you specified a regular expression in the Name option, then you should mark the Regex Match option.
      5. Optional. Add another match through which this variable can be satisfied by repeating the above steps.
    7. Optional. Mark the Count option to match by the number of instances that a match is found instead of by inspecting that request element.
      Learn more.
    8. From the Operator option, select an operator that determines how WAF will compare the match value to the request element identified by the above variable.
      Learn more.
    9. In the Match value option, type the value that will be compared against the request element identified by the above variable.
    10. Optional. Mark the Negative Match option to match for requests that do not contain a matching value for the value defined in the previous step.
    11. Optional. Click + Add Condition to add another condition that must be met prior to request identification.
  8. Optional. Add another rule by repeating step 7.
  9. Optional. Bot Manager Advanced only. Identify traffic that will bypass bot detection.
    1. Click the Exceptions tab.
    2. Add the desired URL(s), user agent(s), JA3 fingerprint(s), and cookie(s) as exception(s).
      Add an entry by typing it and then pressing ENTER.
  10. Click Save.
To modify a Bot Manager configuration
  1. Navigate to the Bot Manager page.
    1. From the Edgio Console, select the desired organization.
    2. From the Security section, click Bot Manager.
  2. Click on the desired bot rule set.
  3. Make the desired changes.
    Key tasks:
    • Bot Manager Advanced only. Add, modify, or delete an action.
    • Bot Manager Advanced only. Set or modify the action that will be taken for all known bots, specific known bots, and spoofed bots from the Known Bots tab.
    • Bot Manager Advanced only. Update your exceptions to bot detection by adding, modifying, or deleting entries from the Exceptions tab.
    • Change the type of rule from the Rule type option.
    • Custom matches only: Delete variables and matches within a variable by clicking the
      (delete) icon.
    • Custom matches only: Delete a condition by clicking Delete Condition.
      A rule must have at least one condition. Therefore, you cannot delete the root condition.
    • Delete a rule by clicking Delete Rule and then clicking Confirm.
  4. Click Save.
To delete a Bot Manager configuration
  1. Navigate to the Bot Manager page.
    1. From the Edgio Console, select the desired organization.
    2. From the Security section, click Bot Manager.
  2. Click on the desired Bot Manager configuration.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. When prompted, confirm the deletion by clicking Confirm.

Version Control

Version control allows you to:
  • View a previous version of a configuration.
  • Reactivate a previous version of a configuration.
  • Compare a previous version of a configuration to the current version.
An advantage of using version control is that it allows you to quickly roll back to a previously vetted configuration. For example, if you notice that a new configuration has resulted in more false positives, then you can roll back to the previous version before analyzing the data.
To view, compare, and reactivate a previous configuration
  1. Load the desired security configuration (e.g., access rule, rate rule, or custom rule).
  2. Click Versions.
    Versions button
  3. Click on the desired version to view it.
    Version selection
  4. Optional. Compare the version selected in the previous step to the current version by clicking Diff. Differences between those two versions are highlighted in green (new or updated lines) and red (modified or deleted lines).
  5. Optional. Reactivate the version selected in step 3 by clicking Reactivate. Click Reactivate this version to confirm that it will be reactivated.