
Metrics REST API Usage

The Metrics REST API allows you to generate reports for key datasets (e.g., origin usage and edge errors).

Getting Started

  1. Identify the name of the dataset (e.g., edge_errors or origin_usage_by_country) for which report data will be generated.
    View a list of the available datasets or discover them through the Get Available Datasets operation:
    GET https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets
    A dataset’s unique name is returned by items[].name.
  2. Generate a report.
    1. Pass the desired dataset within the path of the Query Dataset operation.
    2. Describe the desired report data through the request body.
    Sample URL: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data
    Sample Request Body:
    2 "date_range": {
    3 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
    4 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
    5 },
    6 "dimensions": ["origin_name"],
    7 "metrics": ["requests_origin_total", "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"],
    8 "filters": {
    9 "environment_id": ["777af1f3-aa60-1234-b777-56772909e833"]
    10 }

Report Query

A typical query contains the following information:
  • Date Range: Use the date_range property to define the report’s date range.
  • Dimensions: Use the dimensions property to define the set of dimensions that will be returned.
  • Metrics: Use the metrics property to define the set of metrics that will be returned.
  • Filter: Use the filters property to filter report data by one or more condition(s).
    For example, filter a report to only show data for a specific environment through the environment_id key.
The above sample request generates an environment-specific report for two metrics (i.e., requests_origin_total and ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile) grouped by the origin_name dimension.

Report Data

The following properties are critical for interpreting the response:
  • data_fields: This property lists the dimensions and metrics included in the response.
  • data_rows: This property, which is an array of arrays, returns report data. Each inner array represents a row of data. Each value within this innner array aligns with the order in which fields are reported within the data_fields field.
Sample response: The following sample response is based off of the query defined in the above sample request.
2 "@id": "/datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data",
3 "@type": "Dataset",
4 "data_fields": [
5 {
6 "name": "origin_name",
7 "description": "The origin name.",
8 "data_type": "STRING"
9 },
10 {
11 "name": "requests_origin_total",
12 "description": "Total number of requests to origin.",
13 "data_type": "NUMBER"
14 },
15 {
16 "name": "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile",
17 "description": "Origin TTFB in ms. at the 75th percentile.",
18 "data_type": "NUMBER"
19 }
20 ],
21 "data_rows": [
22 [ "origin_1", 25413767.0 , 1001.961328723 ],
23 [ "origin_2", 59324.0 , 901.872396132 ]
24 ],
25 "request": {
26 "dimensions": [
27 "origin_name"
28 ],
29 "metrics": [
30 "requests_origin_total", "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"
31 ],
32 "filters": {
33 "environment_id": [
34 "715af1f3-bb60-4696-b777-97572909e833"
35 ]
36 },
37 "date_range": {
38 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
39 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
40 }
41 },
42 "created_at": "2024-05-05T07:30::00Z"
The data_fields property indicates that each row of data will report the following data in this order: origin_name, requests_origin_total, and ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile.
The data_rows property contains two arrays. This indicates that it contains two rows of data.

Time Series

Generate a time series response by adding time to the dimensions array.
Sample request (default time intervals):
The following sample request groups requests_origin_total and ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile by time and origin_name:
1POST /datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data
4 "date_range": {
5 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
6 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
7 },
8 "dimensions": ["time", "origin_name"],
9 "metrics": ["requests_origin_total", "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"],
10 "filters": {
11 "environment_id": ["777af1f3-aa60-1234-b777-56772909e833"]
12 }
Sample response:
2 "@id": "/datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data",
3 "@type": "Dataset",
4 "data_fields": [{
5 "name": "time",
6 "description": "The date when the request happened.",
7 "data_type": "DATE"
8 }, {
9 "name": "origin_name",
10 "description": "The origin name.",
11 "data_type": "STRING"
12 }, {
13 "name": "requests_origin_total",
14 "description": "Total number of requests to origin.",
15 "data_type": "NUMBER"
16 }, {
17 "name": "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile",
18 "description": "Origin TTFB in ms. at the 75th percentile.",
19 "data_type": "NUMBER"
20 }
21 ],
22 "data_rows": [
23 ["2024-04-26T00:00:00Z", "origin_1", 9990311.0, 1046.1946153211188],
24 ["2024-04-26T00:00:00Z", "origin_2", 30860.0, 974.426483285657]
25 ["2024-04-27T00:00:00Z", "origin_1", 15423456.0, 998.0100687536416],
26 ["2024-04-27T00:00:00Z", "origin_2", 28464.0, 981.2032714345563]
27 ],
28 "request": {
29 "dimensions": [
30 "time",
31 "origin_name"
32 ],
33 "metrics": [
34 "requests_origin_total",
35 "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"
36 ],
37 "filters": {
38 "environment_id": [
39 "715af1f3-bb60-4696-b777-97572909e833"
40 ]
41 },
42 "date_range": {
43 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
44 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
45 }
46 },
47 "created_at": "2024-04-19T09:32:55Z"
By default, this operation uses the broadest available time granularity. The above report’s date range is for multiple days. As a result, report data (data_rows) was grouped into daily intervals. Use the time_granularity parameter to select another granularity level.
Sample request (hourly intervals):
The following sample request groups data into hourly intervals.
1POST /datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data
4 "date_range": {
5 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
6 "end": "2024-04-26T05:00:00Z"
7 },
8 "time_granularity": "HOUR",
9 "dimensions": ["time", "origin_name"],
10 "metrics": ["requests_origin_total", "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"],
11 "filters": {
12 "environment_id": ["777af1f3-aa60-1234-b777-56772909e833"]
13 }
Sample response:
2 "@id": "/datasets/origin_usage_by_country/data",
3 "@type": "Dataset",
4 "data_fields": [{
5 "name": "time",
6 "description": "The date when the request happened.",
7 "data_type": "DATE"
8 }, {
9 "name": "origin_name",
10 "description": "The origin name.",
11 "data_type": "STRING"
12 }, {
13 "name": "requests_origin_total",
14 "description": "Total number of requests to origin.",
15 "data_type": "NUMBER"
16 }, {
17 "name": "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile",
18 "description": "Origin TTFB in ms. at the 75th percentile.",
19 "data_type": "NUMBER"
20 }
21 ],
22 "data_rows": [
23 ["2024-04-26T00:00:00Z", "origin_1", 9990311.0, 1046.1946153211188],
24 ["2024-04-26T10:00:00Z", "origin_2", 30860.0, 974.426483285657],
25 ["2024-04-26T01:00:00Z", "origin_1", 15423456.0, 998.0100687536416],
26 ["2024-04-26T01:00:00Z", "origin_2", 28464.0, 981.2032714345563],
27 ...
28 ["2024-04-26T04:00:00Z", "origin_1", 9990311.0, 1046.1946153211188],
29 ["2024-04-26T14:00:00Z", "origin_2", 30860.0, 974.426483285657]
30 ],
31 "request": {
32 "dimensions": [
33 "time",
34 "origin_name"
35 ],
36 "metrics": [
37 "requests_origin_total",
38 "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"
39 ],
40 "filters": {
41 "environment_id": [
42 "715af1f3-bb60-4696-b777-97572909e833"
43 ]
44 },
45 "date_range": {
46 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
47 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
48 }
49 },
50 "created_at": "2024-04-19T09:32:55Z"


Filter report data by defining the filters object.
The following sample request filters report data for a specific environment and origin:
2 "date_range": {
3 "start": "2024-04-26T00:00:00Z",
4 "end": "2024-04-28T00:00:00Z"
5 },
6 "time_granularity": "HOUR",
7 "dimensions": ["time", "origin_name"],
8 "metrics": ["requests_origin_total", "ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile"],
9 "filters": {
10 "environment_id": ["777af1f3-aa60-1234-b777-56772909e833"],
11 "origin_name": ["origin_1"]
12 }

Common Reports

Sample queries for commonly requested reports are provided below.
Your business needs may require a different type of report. Examine the datasets returned by the Get Available Datasets operation to discover the types of data that can be returned and the manner in which it can be grouped and filtered.

Get Data Transferred

Find out the total amount of data, in bytes, served from our network over a given time period.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/edge_usage_by_country/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "bytes_edge_total"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Get Request Rate

Find out the number of requests per second served from our network over a given time period.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/edge_usage_by_country/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "requests_per_second_edge"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Get Requests for Common Cache Statuses

Find out the total number of requests served from our network for the following cache statuses over a given time period:
  • Cache hits (requests_hit_total)
  • Cache misses (requests_miss_total)
  • Expired hits (requests_stale_total).
    An expired hit means that stale content was served to the client. This occurs when the response from an origin server for a revalidation request indicates that a newer version of that asset does not exist.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/edge_usage_by_country/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "requests_hit_total", "requests_miss_total", "requests_stale_total"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Get Bandwidth

Find out the amount of bandwidth, in bits per second, served over a given time period.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/edge_usage_by_country/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "bits_per_second_edge"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Get Errors by HTTP Status Code

Get a breakdown of error responses by HTTP status code over a given time period. Each object in data_row represents a HTTP status code.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/edge_errors/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time", "http_status_code"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "requests_edge_total"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Get Usage by Origin

Find out the number of requests and the amount of data, in bytes, served by each origin over a given time period.
Request: POST https://edgioapis.com/metrics/v1/datasets/origin_usage/data
Request Body: Update the environment_id property and the date_range object before submitting the following query:
2 "dimensions": [
3 "time", "origin_name"
4 ],
5 "metrics": [
6 "requests_origin_total", "bytes_origin_total"
7 ],
8 "filters": {
9 "environment_id": [
10 "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab"
11 ]
12 },
13 "date_range": {
14 "start": "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z",
15 "end": "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
16 },
17 "time_granularity": "DAY"

Available Datasets

The following datasets are described below:


Environment-specific aggregated edge usage metrics that can be broken down by time, country, or both.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: The request’s country code which consists of two lowercase letters. Returns - when the country cannot be identified.
  • requests_edge_total: Total number of requests to the edge of our network.
  • requests_per_second_edge: Number of requests per second to the edge of our network.
  • requests_hit_total: Total number of requests to the edge that were served from the cache.
  • requests_cache_hit_ratio: Ratio of requests served from the cache, including both hits and stale responses, to total number of requests made to the edge.
  • requests_miss_total: Total number of requests to the edge that resulted in cache misses.
  • requests_stale_total: Total number of requests that resulted in stale content being served to the client.
  • requests_prefetch_total: Total number of requests initiated by predictive prefetching.
  • requests_prefetch_cache_hit_ratio: Ratio of requests served from the cache as a result of predictive prefetching, including both hits and stale responses, to the total number of predictive prefetch requests.
  • requests_cachable_total: Total number of cacheble requests.
  • requests_2xx_total: Total number of edge requests with a 2xx status code (200 - 299).
  • requests_3xx_total: Total number of edge requests with a 3xx status code (300 - 399).
  • requests_4xx_total: Total number of edge requests with a 4xx status code (400 - 499).
  • requests_5xx_total: Total number of edge requests with a 5xx status code (500 - 599).
  • requests_error_ratio: Ratio of requests resulting in server errors (5xx status codes) to the total number of requests made to the edge.
  • bytes_edge_total: Total number of bytes sent from the edge.
  • bytes_hit_total: Total number of bytes sent from edge cache.
  • bytes_miss_total: Total number of bytes that were not found in edge cache.
  • bytes_stale_total: Total number of bytes served as stale content.
  • bits_per_second_edge: Edge bandwith usage measured in bits per second (bps).
  • ttfb_edge_ms_5_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • ttfb_edge_ms_25_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • ttfb_edge_ms_50_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • ttfb_edge_ms_75_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • ttfb_edge_ms_95_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • ttfb_edge_ms_99_percentile: Edge time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_5_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_25_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_50_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_75_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_95_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • response_time_edge_ms_99_percentile: Edge response time, in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: Filters data by a two-letter country code or - for when the country of origin is unknown.


Environment-specific aggregated usage metrics for 5xx responses.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: The request’s country code which consists of two lowercase letters. Returns - when the country cannot be identified.
  • http_status_code: The response’s 5xx status code (500 - 599).
  • requests_edge_total: Total number of requests to the edge of our network.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: Filters data by a two-letter country code or - for when the country of origin is unknown.
  • http_status_code: Filters data by 5xx status code (500 - 599).


Environment-specific aggregated origin usage metrics that can be broken down by time, country, origin, or any combination of these dimensions.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: The request’s country code which consists of two lowercase letters. Returns - when the country cannot be identified.
  • origin_name: The origin configuration’s name.
  • requests_origin_total: Total number of requests to the origin.
  • bytes_origin_total: Total number of bytes sent from an origin.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_5_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_25_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_50_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_95_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_99_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_5_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_25_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_50_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_75_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_95_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_99_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • country_code: Filters data by a two-letter country code or - for when the country of origin is unknown.
  • origin_name: Filters data by origin configuration.


Environment-specific aggregated origin usage metrics that can be broken down by time, origin, HTTP method, content type, or by any combination of these dimensions.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • origin_name: The origin configuration’s name.
  • http_method: The request’s HTTP method.
  • content_type: The Content-Type response header’s value.
  • requests_origin_total: Total number of requests to the origin.
  • bytes_origin_total: Total number of bytes sent from an origin.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_5_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_25_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_50_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_75_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_95_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • ttfb_origin_ms_99_percentile: Origin time to first byte (TTFB), in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_5_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 5th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_25_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 25th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_50_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 50th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_75_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 75th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_95_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 95th percentile.
  • response_time_origin_ms_99_percentile: Origin response time, in milliseconds, at the 99th percentile.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • origin_name: Filters data by origin configuration.
  • http_method: Filters data by HTTP method.
  • content_type: Filters data by the response’s content type (e.g., text/css or text/javascript).


Environment-specific aggregated usage metrics for 4xx responses.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • origin_name: The origin configuration’s name.
  • http_method: The request’s HTTP method.
  • content_type: The Content-Type response header’s value.
  • http_status_code: The response’s 4xx or 5xx status code (400 - 599).
  • requests_origin_total: Total number of requests to the origin.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • origin_name: Filters data by origin configuration.
  • http_method: Filters data by HTTP method.
  • content_type: Filters data by the response’s content type (e.g., text/css or text/javascript).
  • http_status_code: Filters data by HTTP status code.


Environment-specific aggregated usage metrics that can be broken down by time, HTTP method, content type, or any combination of these dimensions.
  • time: The date and time (UTC) at which the request was received.
  • environment_id: An environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • http_method: The request’s HTTP method.
  • content_type: The Content-Type response header’s value.
  • requests_edge_total: Total number of requests to the edge of our network.
  • requests_origin_total: Total number of requests to the origin.
  • bytes_edge_total: Total number of bytes sent from the edge.
  • bytes_origin_total: Total number of bytes sent from an origin.
  • environment_id: Filters data by an environment’s system-defined ID (e.g., 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab). From the Edgio Console, navigate to the desired environment and then click Settings. It is listed under Environment ID.
  • http_method: Filters data by HTTP method.
  • content_type: Filters data by the response’s content type (e.g., text/css or text/javascript).