
Index of Supported API Calls

The following sections help you locate the information you need.
See API Calls by Name if you know the call you want to make but you need further information about it. See API Calls by Topic if you know what you want to do but you are not sure which call to use.
Both sections contain links to detailed information.

API Calls by Name

Calls are listed in alphabetical order within each interface. Note that there is not a one-to-one correspondence between calls in the two interfaces because the HTTP interface has fewer calls. Juxtaposition of the HTTP calls with the JSON-RPC calls in the following table is not meant to imply correspondence.

JSON-RPC Interface

API CallDetails
abortMultipartAbort a Multipart Upload
authenticateLog in to a Sub-directory
checkTokenDetermine Your Token’s Age
completeMultipartComplete a Multipart Upload
deleteDirDelete a Directory
Delete a File
fetchFileHTTPCopy a File
getMultipartStatusGet Status for a Multipart Upload
getMultipartStatusMapGet String Equivalents of Multipart Status Codes
initKeyPairInitializing HMAC Key Pairs
listDirList Directories
List Files
listMultipartList Your Multipart Uploads
listMultipartPieceList Pieces in a Multipart Upload
List Files and Directories
loginLog In
logoutLog Out
makeDirCreate a Directory
makeDir2Create a Directory Along With Leading Paths
mediaVaultURLGenerate a URL
noopPerform an Authenticated Server Verification
Perform an Unauthenticated Server Verification
Rename a File or Directory
restartMultipartRestart a Multipart Upload
setContentTypeSet a File’s Content Type
setMTimeChange a File or Directory Last Modification Time
statObtain File or Directory Metadata
updateSessionSet Your Token’s Expiry

HTTP Interface

API CallDetails
account/loginLog In
multipart/completeComplete a Multipart Upload
multipart/createBegin a Multipart Upload
multipart-pieceCreate a Multipart Piece
post/fileWeb Browser Upload
post/rawFile Raw Post

API Calls by Topic

If you know what you want to do but you are not sure which call to use, refer to information in the following sections:


ActionAPI CallDetails
Log in to Origin Storagelogin

/account/login (HTTP interface)
Log In

Log In (HTTP interface)
Log into a specific sub-directory in Origin StorageauthenticateLog in to a Sub-directory
Log out of Origin StoragelogoutLogging Out

Connections and Tokens

Calls are available in the JSON-RPC interface only.
ActionAPI CallDetails
Determine your token’s agecheckTokenDetermine Your Token’s Age
Set your token’s expiry timeupdateSessionSet Your Token’s Expiry
Verify the server API connection if you are logged innoopPerform an Authenticated Server Verification
Verify the server API connection if you are not logged inpingPerform an Unauthenticated Server Verification
Generate a new key pair for use in signing requestsinitKeyPairInitializing HMAC Key Pairs


Calls are available in the interface unless otherwise indicated.
ToUse this callFor instructions see
Change a directory’s last modified timesetMTimeChange a File or Directory Last Modification Time
Create a directorymakeDir

/post/dir (HTTP interface)
Create a Directory

Create a Directory (HTTP interface)
Create a directory and leading path segmentsmakeDir2Create a Directory Along With Leading Paths
Delete a directorydeleteDirDelete a Directory
List directorieslistDirList Directories
List directories and fileslistPathList Files and Directories
Obtain directory metadatastatObtain File or Directory Metadata
Rename a directoryrenameRename a File or Directory


Calls are available in the JSON-RPC interface only.
ToUse this callFor instructions see
Change a file’s last modified timesetMTimeChange a File or Directory Last Modification Time
Copy a filefetchFileHTTPCopy a File
Delete a filedeleteFileDelete a File
Generate a MediaVault URLmediaVaultURLGenerate a MediaVault URL
List fileslistFileList Files
List directories and fileslistPathList Files and Directories
Obtain file metadatastatObtain File or Directory Metadata
Rename a filerenameRename a File or Directory
Set a file’s content (MIME) typesetContentTypeSet a File’s Content Type

File Upload - Non-Multipart

Calls are available in the HTTP interface only.
ToUse this callFor instructions see
Upload a file/post/rawFile Raw Post
Web browser upload/post/fileWeb Browser Upload

File Upload - Multipart

Calls are available in the JSON-RPC interface unless otherwise indicated.
ToUse this callFor instructions see
Create a mulltipart uploadcreateMultipart
POST to /multipart/create (HTTP interface)
Begin a Multipart Upload
Begin a Multipart Upload (HTTP Interface)
Create a multipart piecePOST to /multipart/piece (HTTP interface)Create a Multipart Piece
Get mapping of multipart status descriptions to integer codesgetMultipartStatusMapGet String Equivalents of Multipart Status Codes
Get a list of pieces in a mulltipart uploadlistMultipartPieceList Pieces in a Multipart Upload
Get a list of mulltipart uploads started by your userlistMultipartList Your Multipart Uploads
Get multipart upload statusgetMulitpartStatusGet Status for a Multipart Upload
Complete a multipart uploadcompleteMultipart
POST to /multipart/complete (HTTP interface)
Complete a Multipart Upload
Complete a Multipart Upload (HTTP interface)
Restart a multipart uploadrestartMultipartRestart a Multipart Upload
Abort a multipart uploadabortMultipartAbort a Multipart Upload