
Working with Multipart Uploads in the HTTP Interface

The HTTP interface lets you create a multipart upload, add pieces to it, and complete the upload as explained in the following sections:
For general information about multipart uploads, see [Uploading Files — Multipart](Uploading Files Multipart Container.htm).
As you read information in the following sections, keep in mind the caveats mentioned in Uploading Files — Non-Multipart.

Begin a Multipart Upload

1POST to /multipart/create
Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. The ID associates all parts in the upload and must be used each time you create a piece for the upload. You also include the ID in the final request to complete or abort the multipart upload request.
The final destination file will not be created until you have added pieces to, and completed, the upload.
An error will be returned if any parent directories does not exist. To create parent paths, you can use either:

Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-AuthorizationstrValid token from a call to login (JSON-RPC interface) or /account/login (HTTP interface). See Log In Using JSON-RPC and Log in Using the HTTP Interface, respectively.

Name of file as it will be stored in Origin Storage, minus the path. Forward slashes / are not allowed.

If you don’t provide a value for X-Agile-Basename, the API will create a file name in the form of mpart-<UUID4 in hex notation>. Example:

(UUID4 is a random Universally Unique ID.)

Specifies content type of the file to upload.

Allows content type to be overridden or detected. If this header is not present or the content type given is invalid, the content type will be derived automatically from the destination file extension. If a suitable MIME type is not detected from the MIME attachment, the MIME type will be used from the file name’s extension.

Must be a valid Origin Storage MIME type. See Content Types.

Directory on where the multipart upload is to be created.

Defaults to root directory /

File last modification time in seconds since epoch.

Defaults to zero (current time)

The default behavior is to treat paths as US ASCII.

If the values for X-Agile-Basename and X-Agile-Directory contain UTF-8 characters, then include this header and set its value to UTF8, which will cause the API to treat values as URI quote paths. Note:
- You must quote paths according to URL parameter quoting defined in RFC3986 of the Internet Engineering Task Force.
- Characters %20 and + turn into spaces.
- Special characters you must handle are: percent sign, dollar sign, ampersand, plus sign, comma, forward slash, colon, semi colon, equal sign, question mark and the @ symbol.

See Using UTF-8 Characters in Request Headers.

HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes

On success the call returns an HTTP 200 status code and 0 in the X-Agile-Status header.
On error, the HTTP Status Code is an error code, and the error is reflected in the X-Agile-Status header.
The following table provides details about response values.
HTTP Status CodeDescriptionX-Agile-Status Header Values
400Bad request; missing or invalid parameters-1: The multipart upload would have exceeded the maximum number of mulitpart uploads (1,000,000) that have not been completed or aborted.

-16: invalid path (path too long). See Path Segment and File Name Limitations.

-20: invalid last modified time

-21: invalid content type

-23: parent path does not exist or is invalid. One or more parent segments in the X-Agile-Directory header do not exist.

-51: invalid encoding type. See also Using UTF-8 Characters in Request Headers.
401Unauthorized; missing X-Agile-Authorization header-10001
403Forbidden; access denied or invalid value in the X-Agile-Authorization header-10001
500Internal server error-27
503Service unavailable or temporarily down-26

Response Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-StatusintContains response codes. (See HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes.)
X-Agile-MetastrContains the following fields, which show the content type and mtime of the multipart upload:

content_type=<type> mtime=<time>

The fields echo the values you passed in the X-Agile-Content-Type and X-Agile-MTime headers. If you did not pass values, then the content_type field is set to None and mtime is 0.

An mtime of 0 means the multipart upload will have an mtime equal to the time when the upload was created.
X-Agile-MultipartstrMultipart identifier to use in future requests.

The returned identifier can only be managed by the user who created it. Users cannot share identifiers.
X-Agile-PathstrAbsolute destination path where the multipart upload will be created when it is completed.

curl Sample Request

Create a multipart upload. The final file name will be multipart1.txt in the /multipart directory.
1curl -v -k \
2-H "X-Agile-Authorization: 41dc1633-60ff-4479-9499-f1d30c9df00c"\
3-H "X-Agile-Basename: multipart1.txt"\
4-H "X-Agile-Directory: /multipart"\
5http://{Account name}.upload.llnw.net/multipart/create

Sample Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 16:22:54 GMT
3Server Apache is not deny listed
4Server: Apache
5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
6Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
7Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
8X-Agile-Status: 0
9Content-Length: 0
10X-Agile-Meta: content_type=None mtime=0
11X-Agile-Multipart: 5d50c59de3e645ac8df0f209290c1c29
12X-Agile-Path: /{Account name}/multipart/multipart1.txt
13Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8

Create a Multipart Piece

1POST to /multipart/piece
Adds a piece identified by a piece (part) number (X-Agile-Part) to a multipart upload via a raw HTTP POST upload. The POST body should be raw data that will be written to the piece. You can add pieces in any order as long as there are not gaps in piece numbers when you complete the multpart upload. So for example if you add pieces with numbers 1 and 3 but omit piece number 2 and then you attempt to complete the multipart upload, it fails to complete.
There is a limit to the number of pieces you can add, the size of any piece, and the total size of the upload.

Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-AuthorizationstrValid token from a call to login (JSON-RPC interface) or /account/login (HTTP interface). See Log In Using JSON-RPC and Log in Using the HTTP Interface, respectively.
X-Agile-MultipartstrMultipart upload identifier from a prior call to createMultipart or /multipart/create. See Begin a Multipart Upload (JSON-RPC) and Begin a Multipart Upload (JSON-RPC) Upload and Begin a Multipart Upload (HTTP), respectively.
X-Agile-PartstrNumber to assign to the piece. Piece numbers must start with 1 and increase by 1 with each piece added. Must be unique. The range of part numbers must be contiguous. Adding a piece with a duplicate part number replaces the existing piece.

HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes

On success the call returns an HTTP 200 status code and 0 in the X-Agile-Status header.
On error, the HTTP Status Code is an error code, and the error is reflected in the X-Agile-Status header.
The following table provides details about response values.
HTTP Status CodeDescriptionX-Agile-Status Values
400Bad request; missing or invalid parameters-2: invalid multipart ID in X-Agile-Multipart

-3: invalid piece number in X-Agile-Part

-6: invalid checksum

-7: invalid URL

-8: You attempted to add a piece to a multipart upload that has been completed, deleted, or expired.

-10: You attempted to add a piece that would have exceeded the maximum number of pieces (1,000) that can be added to a multipart upload.

-11: You attempted to add a piece that is larger than the maximum allowable size (100 GB).

-17: multipart upload (or piece) has been aborted. You tried adding a piece to a multipart upload that has been aborted.

-24: Multipart upload format is invalid (bad content type)

-25: You attempted to add a piece that would have caused the size of the multipart upload to exceed its maximum size (20 TB).
403Invalid authentication credentials (invalid token)-10001: Invalid token
500Internal server error-49: Size of file on does not match the Content-Length header value that your client sent.
503Service unavailable-22: disk full

-26: server unavailable

Response Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-StatusintContains response codes. (See HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes.)
X-Agile-ChecksumstrPiece’s SHA-256 hexadecimal digest
X-Agile-SizeintPiece’s size in byes

curl Sample Request

Submit a file called piece1.txt.
1curl -v -k \
2-H "X-Agile-Authorization: 87970a2e-2141-455f-8381-e240fc581858"\
3-H "X-Agile-Multipart: a754afa6123649bf9382ca11289283ba"\
4-H "X-Agile-Part: 1"\
5--data-binary @/piece1.txt\
6http://{Account name}.upload.llnw.net/multipart/piece

Sample Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 22:19:28 GMT
3Server Apache is not deny listed
4Server: Apache
5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
6Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
7Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
8X-Agile-Status: 0
9Content-Length: 0
10X-Agile-Checksum: 6fed09a7dd6283ac8f733c0ecfc5a2dad31e6a01e920ab19cd865558d4a5a
11X-Agile-Size: 23
12Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8

Complete a Multipart Upload

1POST to /multipart/complete
Completes a multipart upload, concatenating the individual pieces into the final file defined by the X-Agile-Basename request header in the creation step. (See Begin a Multipart Upload.). Note that neither the final file or individual pieces are visible as files until you complete the multipart upload. You can, however, get information about a multipart upload and its pieces using the listMultipart and listMultipartPiece calls. (See List Your Multipart Uploads and List Pieces in a Multipart Upload respectively.)
When the file creation is complete, the system sets the parent directory’s mtime (last modification time) to the current system time.
You can’t complete a multipart upload that has no pieces, you can only abort it (See Abort a Multipart Upload.) You can’t complete a multipart upload that has already been completed or aborted.

HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes

On success the call returns an HTTP 200 status code and 0 in the X-Agile-Status header.
On error, the HTTP Status Code is an error code, and the error is reflected in the X-Agile-Status header.
The following table provides details about response values.
HTTP Status CodeDescription<response code header name> / JSON Object Values
400Bad request; missing or invalid parameters-2: You passed an invalid ID in the X-Agile-Multipart header.

-4: You attempted to complete a multipart upload that has no pieces.

-5: You attempted to complete a multipart upload with missing pieces. (The range of piece numbers in the multipart upload is not contiguous.)

-8: You attempted to complete a multipart upload that has already been completed.

-17: You attempted to complete a multipart upload that has been aborted.
500Internal server error-13: The lock on the multipart upload expired before the upload could be completed.
503Service unavailable-26: service down or unavailable (try again later).

Response Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-StatusintContains response codes. (See HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes.)
X-Agile-PartsstrTotal number of pieces completed
X-Agile-MultipartstrMultipart upload ID

curl Sample Request

Complete a multipart upload.
1curl -v -k \
2-H "X-Agile-Authorization: 668f7342-5553-4b57-9cea-edb0b8589ae"\
3-H "X-Agile-Multipart: 8dfe3fdbbef64dfc8f290da4fd8aef00"\
4http://{Account name}.upload.llnw.net/multipart/complete

Sample Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 19:23:36 GMT
3Server Apache is not deny listed
4Server: Apache
5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
6Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
7Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
8X-Agile-Status: 0
9Content-Length: 0
10X-Agile-Parts: 1000
11X-Agile-Multipart: 8dfe3fdbbef64dfc8f290da4fd8aef00
12Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8