As part of our filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief, Akamai has acquired select assets from Edgio, including certain customer contracts from our content delivery, applications, and security businesses, but not including Uplynk. We encourage any active Edgio delivery, applications, or security customers that are not already engaged with Akamai to migrate their services, to contact their local Akamai office or as soon as possible to help avoid service interruptions. Service will end on January 15, 2025.

Any Edgio Uplynk customers can reach out to for any questions or concerns.


Uploading Files — Non-Multipart

APIs for non-multipart file uploads are available in the HTTP interface only.
Origin Storage provides two techniques for non-multipart upload. Use the following table to decide which technique is best for you.
TechniqueDescriptionEnd PointWhere to Find Information
Web Browser UploadDoes an HTTP POST upload using multipart form-data. Use this if you want the ability to upload a file from a web page.

This technique is relatively slow because the checksum is calculated after the file is at rest. (The API has to open and read the file to calculate the checksum.)

A basic working sample page that illustrates the web browser upload capability is available.
/post/fileWeb Browser Upload
File Raw PostUploads a file as a stream. The only payload is the file data.

Faster than Web Browser Upload because the file’s checksum is calculated inline. Also no overhead from form mime encoding .
/post/rawFile Raw Post
For files larger than 10GB, use the multipart upload functionality. See Uploading Files — Multipart for information.

Web Browser Upload

1POST to /post/file
Does an HTTP POST upload using multipart form-data. Slower than File Raw Post.
When the file creation is complete, the system sets the parent directory’s mtime (last modification time) to the current system time.
An end-to-end /post/file upload example is available. See /post/file Example.

Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-AuthorizationstrValid token from a call to login (JSON-RPC interface) or /account/login (HTTP interface). See Log In Using JSON-RPC and Log in Using the HTTP Interface, respectively. As an alternative, you can instead pass the token as a query string on the URL. See curl Sample Request 2.

Lets the API look up or detect content type for the file to upload. If this header is not present or the content type provided in it is invalid, the content type will be derived from the Content-Type field of the MIME-encoded attachment. If a suitable mime type is not detected from the mime attachment, the mime type will be derived from the file name’s extension.

Must be a valid Origin Storage MIME type (see Content Types). See also Content Type Handling.

Instructs the API to detect the content type. The API will ignore this header if you use the X-Agile-Content-Type header.

Pass one of:
- name: lookup MIME type by using the filename, usually the extension
- content: lookup MIME type by scanning the contents of the file
- auto: first lookup by name, then by content if no name matchesSee also Content Type Handling.

The hexlified version of the bytes that make up the file’s sha256 checksum. Origin Storage will calculate the file’s checksum and compare it with the value of X-Agile-Checksum. (When a file first arrives at a landing pad, it is placed in a temporary area called a ‘scratch space’. It is at this point that the checksum comparison occurs.)

If X-Agile-Checksum is provided and it matches the calculated checksum, the file will be stored and replicated.

If X-Agile-Checksum is provided and it does not match the calculated checksum, the file will not be ingested. Instead, error code -26 (invalid checksum) will be returned and the file will be removed from landing pad’s scratch space and will not be ingested.

When uploading a file to the location specified by the directory form field, this header instructs the API to create any leading directories if they do not already exist.

If you set the value to true, non-existing leading directories will be created.

If you omit the X-Agile-Recursive header or set it to false, then non-existing leading directories will not be created.

If you use both this header and the recursive form field and the two are different, the X-Agile-Recursive header will take precedence.

Defaults to false.

Form Fields

Field NameTypeDescription
uploadFilestrPath and name of file to upload. See also About the uploadFile Form Field.

Name of file as it will be stored in Origin Storage, minus the path. Forward slashes / are not allowed.

See also How Uploaded File Paths Are Determined

Directory in Origin Storage where the file will be stored

Defaults to the root directory

See also How Uploaded File Paths Are Determined.

When uploading a file to the location specified by the directory form field, this field instructs the API to create any leading directories if they do not already exist.

If you set the value to true, non-existing leading directories will be created.

If you omit the field or set it to false, then non-existing leading directories will not be created.

If you use both this field and X-Agile-Recursive header and the two are different, the X-Agile-Recursive header will take precedence.

Defaults to false.

Provides the ability to set a “custom” url to redirect to. If you include this field you don’t have to include the return_referer field.

Provides ability to redirect to the location in the Referer1 header (if it is present). In this case, Origin Storage sends a 302 redirect to the Referer header location.

If you want to redirect to a custom location, omit the return_referer field and include the custom location in the return_url field.

The Referer header is sent by web browsers automatically and identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested.

How to expose egress. Valid values:

PARTIAL: expose egress immediately (partially uploaded content can be served).

COMPLETE: (default) expose egress when the file completes uploading.

POLICY: expose when the file is in policy.

Defaults to COMPLETE

File modification time in seconds since epoch.

Defaults to 0 — current timestamp.

How Uploaded File Paths Are Determined

The complete path of the uploaded object will be the directory field value + / + basename field value. If the basename value has any forward slashes in it, the last path component will be used and the leading paths will be stripped. For instance, if you pass /test for directory and /1983/img001.jpg for basename, the final path will be /test/img001.jpg (the 1983 is stripped).

About the uploadFile Form Field

uploadFile is a multipart/form-data encoded payload as in this example:
2Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadFile"; filename="test.txt"
3Content-Type: text/plain
5Sample data

HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes

On success the call returns an HTTP 200 status code, and 0 in the X-Agile-Status header.
On error, the HTTP Status Code is an error code, and the error is reflected in the X-Agile-Status header. The following table provides details about response values.
HTTP Status CodeDescriptionPossible X-Agile-Status Values
200Success0: success
400Bad request, missing or invalid parameters-3: no parent directory. One or more path segments in the directory form field do not exist and you did not provide a value for the recursive form field or the X-Agile-Recursive request header.

-8: invalid path (path too long) in the directory form field

-21: invalid value in the expose_egress form field

-23: empty file

-24: missing upload file in HTTP POST (You did not supply a file to upload.)

-25: upload not supported; you attempted to upload more than one file.

-26: invalid checksum

-27: invalid value in the mtime form field

-33: invalid value in the X-Content-Type header

-48: invalid value in the X-Content-Detect header
401unauthorized, missing X-Agile-Authorization header-10001: missing X-Agile-Authorization header
403Invalid authentication credentials (invalid token)-10001: Invalid token
500Internal server error-5: Generic error
503Service unavailable-22: disk full

Response Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-StatusintContains response codes. (See HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes.)
X-Agile-PathstrFile name and path where the file was uploaded
X-Agile-SizeintSize in bytes of the file that this call uploaded
X-Agile-ChecksumstrFile’s SHA-256 hexadecimal digest

curl Sample Request 1

Upload super test file.txt into the root directory. Also pass a basename.
1curl -v -k\
2-H "X-Agile-Authorization: 4f173c74-c929-4f91-9e0e-645a31343258"\
3-F "uploadFile=@/super test file.txt"\
4-F "basename=super test file.txt"\
5-F "directory=/"\
6http://{Account name}

Sample 1 Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 20:45:01 GMT
3Server Apache is not deny listed
4Server: Apache
5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
6Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
7Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
8X-Agile-Status: 0
9Content-Length: 0
10X-Agile-Checksum: d995a1c6b9ba371c2273f209d6659253bf457b3fa047ce6c959ca99
11X-Agile-Size: 10
12X-Agile-Path: /{Account Name}/super test file.txt
13Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8

curl Sample Request 2

Send the token on the url in a query string. Also pass a basename.
1curl -v -k\
2-F "uploadFile=@/super file2.txt"\
3-F "basename=super file2.txt"\
4-F "directory=/"\
5http://{Account name}

Sample 2 Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2015 15:43:55 GMT
3Server Apache is not deny listed
4Server: Apache
5Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
6Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
7Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
8X-Agile-Status: 0
9Content-Length: 0
10X-Agile-Checksum: d995a1c6b9ba371c2273f6659253bf457b3fa047ce62dd8274ac959ca99
11X-Agile-Size: 10
12X-Agile-Path: /{Account name}/super file2.txt
13Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8

File Raw Post

1POST to post/raw
Uploads a file as a stream.
Upload speed is faster than Web Browser Upload.
When the file creation is complete, the system sets the parent directory’s mtime (last modification time) to the current system time.
An end-to-end /post/raw upload example is available. See /post/raw Example.

Request Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-AuthorizationstrValid token from a call to login (JSON-RPC interface) or /account/login (HTTP interface). See Log In Using JSON-RPC and Log in Using the HTTP Interface, respectively.

Name of file as it will be stored in Origin Storage, minus the path. Forward slashes / not allowed.

If you don’t provide a value for X-Agile-Basename, the API will create a file name in the form of post-<UUID4 in hex notation>. Example:

(UUID4 is a random Universally Unique ID.)The file name must not include two consecutive periods.

Instructs the API to detect the content type. The API will ignore this header if you use the X-Agile-Content-Type header.

Pass one of:
- name: lookup MIME type by using the filename, usually the extension
- content: lookup MIME type by scanning the contents of the file
- auto: first lookup by name, then by content if no name matches.

See also Content Type Handling.

Lets the API look up or detect content type for the file to upload. If this header is not present or the content type provided in it is invalid, the content type will be derived from the Content-Type field of the MIME-encoded attachment. If a suitable mime type is not detected from the mime attachment, the mime type will be derived from the file name’s extension.

Must be a valid Origin Storage MIME type (see Content Types).

See also Content Type Handling.

Directory in Origin Storage where file will be stored.

Defaults to the root directory
The file name must not include two consecutive periods.

The default behavior is to treat paths as US ASCII.

If the values for X-Agile-Basename and X-Agile-Directory contain UTF-8 characters, then include this header and set its value to UTF8, which will cause the API to treat values as URI quote paths. Note:
-You must quote paths according to URL parameter quoting defined in RFC3986 of the Internet Engineering Task Force.
-Characters %20 and + turn into spaces.
-Special characters you must handle are: percent sign, dollar sign, ampersand, plus sign, comma, forward slash, colon, semi colon, equal sign, question mark and the @ symbol.

See Using UTF-8 Characters in Request Headers.

When to make the file available for egress. Valid values:
-PARTIAL: expose egress immediately (partially uploaded content can be served)
-COMPLETE: (default) expose egress when the file completes uploading
-POLICY: expose when the file is in policy

File last modification time in seconds since epoch.

Defaults to zero (current time)

When uploading a file to the location specified by the X-Agile-Directory header, this header instructs the API to create any leading paths if they do not already exist.

If you set the value to true, non-existing leading paths will be created.

If you omit the X-Agile-Recursive header or set it to false, then non-existing leading paths will not be created and the call will fail.

Other values you can pass that are equivalent to true:
- yes
- 1

Other values you can pass that are equivalent to false:
- no
- 0

Defaults to false.

The hexlified version of the bytes that make up the file’s sha256 checksum. Origin Storage will calculate the file’s checksum and compare it with the value of X-Agile-Checksum. (When a file first arrives at a landing pad, it is placed in a temporary area called a ‘scratch space’. It is at this point that the checksum comparison occurs.)

If X-Agile-Checksum is provided and it matches the calculated checksum, the file will be stored and replicated.

If X-Agile-Checksum is provided and it does not match the calculated checksum, the file will not be ingested. Instead, error code -26 (invalid checksum) will be returned and the file will be removed from landing pad’s scratch space and will not be ingested.

Request Payload

The payload consists of the file to upload. For example you could use the following option with curl:
1--data-binary @/tmp/example1.jpg

HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes

On success the call returns an HTTP 200 status code and 0 in the X-Agile-Status header.
On error, the HTTP Status Code is an error code, and the error is reflected in the X-Agile-Status header.
The following table provides details about response values.
HTTP Status CodesDescriptionX-Agile-Status Values
400Bad request; missing or invalid parameters-3: parent directory does not exist. You specified a in X-Agile-Directory with a leading path that does not exist and you did not pass a true value in X-Agile-Recursive.

-8: invalid path given (path too long). See Path Segment and File Name Limitations.

-24: You failed to specify a file to upload.

-25: You attempted to upload multiple files.

-26: invalid checksum

-33: You included an invalid content type in the X-Agile-Content-Type header.

-39: You passed an invalid value in the X-Agile-Recursive directory.

-51: invalid encoding (You specified an invalid value for the X-Agile-Encoding header.)
401Unauthorized, missing X-Agile-Authorization header-10001: missing X-Agile-Authorization header
403Invalid authentication credentials (invalid token)-10001: invalid token
500Internal server error-5: internal backend service down
503Service unavailable-22: disk full

Response Headers

Header NameTypeDescription
X-Agile-PathstrFile name and path where the file was uploaded. The value will be URI-quoted if UTF8 encoding was used in the X-Agile-Encoding header.
X-Agile-StatusintContains response codes. (See HTTP Response Codes and Request Status Codes.)
X-Agile-SizeintSize in bytes of the file that was uploaded
X-Agile-ChecksumstrFile’s SHA-256 hexadecimal digest

curl Sample Requests

Upload warning.png to the /symbols/warning directory.
1curl -v -k \
2-H "X-Agile-Authorization: a1ac4fca-2fed-44ac-9b20-d26aee578e67"\
3--data-binary @/tmp/warning.png\
4-H "X-Agile-Basename: warning.png"\
5-H "X-Agile-Content-Detect: name"\
6-H "X-Agile-Content-Type: image/png"\
7-H "X-Agile-Directory: /symbols/warning"\
8-H "X-Agile-Expose-Egress: POLICY"\
9-H "X-Agile-MTime: 0"\
10http://{Account name}

Sample Success Response

1HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
2HTTP/1.1 200 OK
3Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 20:29:49 GMT
4Server Apache is not deny listed
5Server: Apache
6Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
7Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Agile-Authorization, X-Content-Type
8Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS
9X-Agile-Status: 0
10Content-Length: 0
11X-Agile-Checksum: da2d48c37dabd94c00bc9dc98aa2ca0255de1a1238e2525ab1d7edce398
12X-Agile-Size: 1547
13X-Agile-Path: /{Account Name}/symbols/warning/warning.png
14Content-Type: text/json;charset=utf-8

Content Type Handling

The file upload APIs (/post/file and /post/raw) determine content type as follows:
  • The content type specified by the Content-Type field of the attachment (form-data encoded payload1) takes precedence if set.
  • The X-Agile-Content-Type header takes precedence over X-Agile-Content-Detect.
  • The application/octet-stream is special content type, and if you provide it in the X-Agile-Content-Type header, the API attempts to detect the content type from the file name, usually the extension.
  • If you provide both X-Agile-Content-Type and X-Agile-Content-Detect, then X-Agile-Content-Type takes precedence.
  • If you provide neither X-Agile-Content-Type nor X-Agile-Content-Detect, the API defaults the content type to X-Agile-Content-Detect: auto.
1Here is an example of form-encoded data payload, where the content type is text/plain.
2Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadFile"; filename="test.txt"
3Content-Type: text/plain
4Sample data
Due to legacy reasons it is possible to pass values (name, content, auto) in X-Agile-Content-Type that instruct the API to detect the content type, but doing so is not recommended and may result in unpredictable results.
The values have the following meanings:
  • name: look up MIME type by using the file name, usually the extension
  • content: look up MIME type by scanning the contents of the file
  • auto: first look up by name, then by content if no name matches
Although the value auto for the X-Agile-Content-Type header is currently accepted, it will be deprecated at some point in the future. We recommend that you change you code to use alternative means of instructing the API to automatically detect the content type.

X-Content-Type Request Header

In the past it was possible to pass the value auto in the legacy X-Content-Type header to instruct the API to automatically detect the content type of the entity-body, but passing auto causes an error. To cause automatic content detection callers can either:
  • Omit the X-Content-Type header, or
  • Pass auto in the X-Content-Detect header