As part of our filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief, Akamai has acquired select assets from Edgio, including certain customer contracts from our content delivery, applications, and security businesses, but not including Uplynk. We encourage any active Edgio delivery, applications, or security customers that are not already engaged with Akamai to migrate their services, to contact their local Akamai office or as soon as possible to help avoid service interruptions. Service will end on January 15, 2025.

Any Edgio Uplynk customers can reach out to for any questions or concerns.



This guide walks you through deploying your app to Edgio.

Deploy From the CLI

Once you’ve created your Edgio project, run the following to deploy your site to your private space on Edgio using the CLI:
1edgio deploy
The CLI will automatically detect the framework you’re using, create an optimized production build, and upload it to Edgio. This takes about a minute for most applications.
Once the deployment is complete, the CLI will output the URL for your site. The site name is automatically derived from the name field in package.json. This can be overridden by using --site option when running edgio deploy.

Branches and Deployments

Each time you deploy your site to Edgio a “deployment” is created and given a unique and permanent URL based on the team name, site name, branch name in source control, and an incrementing deployment number. If you use Git, the branch name is set by the default. If not, you can specify the --branch option when running edgio deploy.
Having each deployment be simultaneously and permanently accessible makes it easy to preview other developers’ work before merging a pull request and enables you to “go back in time” to find where a bug or change in behavior originated. We recommend configuring your CI environment to deploy every push to Edgio.

Deploy from CI

To deploy from your CI environment, create a deploy token using the site settings tab in the Edgio console.
Then use the --token option when deploying from your CI script:
1edgio deploy my-site --token=$EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN
You should always store your deploy token using your CI environment’s secrets manager. Never commit your deploy token to source control.

GitHub Actions

You need to configure the following items in order to get a GitHub action set up.
  1. Create a deploy token (see Deploying from CI). Copy the value of that token for use in the next step.
  2. Save the deploy token inside GitHub (more info). Go to your GitHub project > Settings > Secrets > New repository secret. Save the item as EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN.
  3. Inside your development project, create a top level folder titled .github. Inside that create a workflows folder. From there create a edgio.yml file and use the example below for its content.
This is an example GitHub action that will deploy your site to Edgio.
For this action to work
  • By default, new Edgio sites are created with a default environment. The action below will create a new build for every push on the default environment.
  • To leverage the GitHub release workflow part of the action below, you need to create an environment production.
  • You need to have created a deploy key for your site (see above) and added it as a secret in your repo called “edgio_deploy_token”. Read more on accessing environment variables which might be essential for your app during the build time and for server-side requests (including SSG/SSR).
  • Depending on your use of NPM or YARN, adjust the “Install packages” step
Read the comments at the top to understand how this action is configured.


1# Add this file to your project at .github/workflows/edgio.yml
3# This GitHub action deploys your site on Edgio.
5# The site is deployed each time commits are pushed. The environment to which the changes are deployed
6# is based on the following rules:
8# 1.) When pushing to master or main, changes will be deployed to the "default" environment. This environment exists
9# by default. Additional environments must be created at
11# 2.) When pushing to any other branch, changes are deployed to a staging environment when a pull request is opened.
12# A unique URL is created based on the branch and deployment number. This environment does not exist by default,
13# you must create it using
15# 3.) When you publish a release in GitHub, the associated tag will be deployed to the production
16# environment. You can push to production by creating a GitHub release, or by using the "Promote to Environment"
17# menu when viewing a deployment in This environment does not exist by default,
18# you must create it using
20# ** In order for this action to deploy your site, you must create a deploy token from the site settings page
21# ** In order for this action to deploy your site, you must create a `deploy` command in your package.json scripts (an example is at
22# ** Additionally, you will need to generate a deploy token from your site settings in and configure it as a secret called "EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN" in your repo on GitHub.
24# ** Depending on your use of NPM or YARN, adjust the "Install packages" step
26name: Deploy branch to Edgio
29 push:
30 branches: [master, main]
31 pull_request:
32 release:
33 types: [published]
36 deploy-to-edgio:
37 name: Deploy to Edgio
38 # cancels the deployment for the automatic merge push created when tagging a release
39 if: contains(github.ref, 'refs/tags') == false || github.event_name == 'release'
40 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
41 env:
42 deploy_token: ${{secrets.EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN}}
43 steps:
44 - name: Check for Edgio deploy token secret
45 if: env.deploy_token == ''
46 run: |
47 echo You must define the "EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN" secret in GitHub project settings
48 exit 1
49 - name: Extract branch name
50 shell: bash
51 run: echo "BRANCH_NAME=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/} | sed 's/\//_/g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
52 - uses: actions/checkout@v1
53 - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
54 with:
55 node-version: 14
56 - name: Cache node modules
57 uses: actions/cache@v1
58 env:
59 cache-name: cache-node-modules
60 with:
61 path: ~/.npm # npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS
62 key: ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
63 restore-keys: |
64 ${{ runner.os }}-build-${{ env.cache-name }}-
65 ${{ runner.os }}-build-
66 ${{ runner.os }}-
67 - name: Install packages
68 run: npm ci # if using npm for your project
69 # run: rm -rf node_modules && yarn install --frozen-lockfile # if using yarn for your project
70 - name: Deploy to Edgio
71 run: |
72 npm run deploy -- ${{'--branch=$BRANCH_NAME' || ''}} --token=$deploy_token \
73 ${{github.event_name == 'push' && '--environment=default' || ''}} \
74 ${{github.event_name == 'pull_request' && '--environment=staging' || ''}} \
75 ${{github.event_name == 'release' && '--environment=production' || ''}}
76 env:
77 deploy_token: ${{secrets.EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN}}

Screencast Tutorial

Jenkins Pipeline

Here is an example Jenkins pipeline that deploys your site to Edgio:
This guide assumes:
  • Your project is hosted on GitHub
  • You have a Jenkins environment configured with Docker and to receive GitHub push events
  • You have created environments called “staging” and “production”
  • You have created a deploy key for your site and added it as an environment variable in your Jenkins configuration called “edgio_deploy_token”.
1// Add this file to your project at ./Jenkinsfile
3// This Jenkins pipeline deploys your site on Edgio.
5// The site is deployed each time commits are pushed. The environment to which the changes are deployed
6// is based on the following rules:
8// 1.) When pushing to `master`, changes are deployed to the "staging" environment. This environment does not exist
9// by default. You must create it using
10// 2.) When pushing to any other branch, changes are deployed to the default environment. An unique URL is created
11// based on the branch and deployment number.
12// 3.) To deploy to the "production" environment, use to promote the build. This environment does not
13// exist by default, you must create it using
15// In order for this pipeline to deploy your site, you must create a deploy token from the site settings page
16// in and configure it as an environment variable called "edgio_deploy_token" in your Jenkins configuration.
18pipeline {
19 agent {
20 docker {
21 image "node:14-alpine"
22 }
23 }
24 environment {
25 REPO_URL = "{your-org}/{your-repo}/" // (required)
27 npm_config_cache = "npm-cache"
28 HOME = "."
29 }
30 stages {
31 stage("Checking environment") {
32 when {
33 expression {
34 env.edgio_deploy_token == null
35 }
36 }
37 steps {
38 echo "You must define the 'edgio_deploy_token' secret in your environment variables"
39 sh "exit 1"
40 }
41 }
42 stage("Install packages") {
43 steps {
44 sh "npm i"
45 }
46 }
47 stage("Deploy to Edgio") {
48 steps {
49 script {
50 def branch = env.GIT_BRANCH // typically referenced as `origin/{branch}`
51 def url = env.REPO_URL
52 env.EDGIO_COMMIT_URL = (url.endsWith("/") ? url : url + "/") + "commit/$GIT_COMMIT"
53 env.BRANCH_NAME = branch.tokenize("/").last()
54 env.EDGIO_ENV_ARG = (env.BRANCH_NAME != "master") ? "--branch=$BRANCH_NAME" : "--environment=staging"
55 }
56 sh "npm run deploy -- --token=$edgio_deploy_token ${EDGIO_ENV_ARG} --commit-url=${EDGIO_COMMIT_URL}"
57 }
58 }
59 }

GitLab CI/CD

Here is an example GitLab CI/CD configuration that deploys your site to Edgio:
This guide assumes:
  • Your repository is hosted on GitLab
  • Your default git branch is named master or main
  • You have created environments called “staging” and “production”
  • You have created a deploy key for your site and added it as a variable in your GitLab project’s CI/CD settings page, named “EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN”
1# Add this file to your project at .gitlab-ci.yml
3# This GitLab CI/CD configuration deploys your site on Edgio.
5# The site is deployed each time commits are pushed. The environment to which the changes are deployed
6# is based on the following rules:
8# 1.) When pushing to master or main, changes deployed to the "staging" environment. This environment does
9# not exist by default. You must create it using
10# 2.) When pushing to any other branch, changes are deployed to the default environment. A unique URL is
11# created based on the branch and deployment number.
12# 3.) When you push a tag to GitLab, it will be deployed to the production environment. This environment does
13# not exist by default, you must create it using Therefore, you can push to
14# production by creating a tag, or by using the "Promote to Environment" menu when viewing a deployment
15# in
17# In order for this pipeline to deploy your site, you must create a deploy token from the site settings page
18# in and configure it as a variable called "EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN" in your GitLab
19# project's settings page. You should mask this variable to prevent it from appearing in logs.
21image: node:14
24 - deploy
27 key: npm
28 paths:
29 - .npm/
32 stage: deploy
33 rules:
34 - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "push"'
35 when: never
36 - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"'
37 variables:
38 EDGIO_DEPLOY_PARAM: ' --environment=staging'
39 - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
40 variables:
41 EDGIO_DEPLOY_PARAM: ' --environment=production'
42 - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH'
43 variables:
45 before_script:
46 - npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
47 script:
48 - npm run edgio:deploy -- --token="$EDGIO_DEPLOY_TOKEN" --non-interactive --branch="$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH$EDGIO_DEPLOY_PARAM"