As part of our filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief, Akamai has acquired select assets from Edgio, including certain customer contracts from our content delivery, applications, and security businesses, but not including Uplynk. We encourage any active Edgio delivery, applications, or security customers that are not already engaged with Akamai to migrate their services, to contact their local Akamai office or as soon as possible to help avoid service interruptions. Service will end on January 15, 2025.

Any Edgio Uplynk customers can reach out to for any questions or concerns.


Status Codes

HTTP status codes are how the web signals errors and other states from the server to the web browser. If there is an error from your backend website, the error is simply forwarded by Edgio to the browser.

Edgio exclusive status codes

If the error is generated in Edgio itself, the platform generates a 53x or 54x HTTP status code:
530Internal Edgio ErrorUnexpected error in Edgio. Please contact support immediately.
531Project Upstream Connection ErrorYour project failed to establish an upstream connection. This is different from 536 where your project timed out waiting for a response from the upstream. Common causes are the upstream host you specified in your project is incorrect, the DNS entry you defined points to the wrong server, your servers are not responding, or you need to add the Edgio IP addresses to your allowlist. (Contact your operations team and ask them to add the IP addresses in Allowlisting in Network Configuration to your server’s IP allowlist.)
532Project Response Too LargeYour project returned a response size greater than the allowed 6MB.
533Project Upstream TLS ErrorThe was an error negotiating a secure TLS connection with the upstream. Common causes are the host name provided does not match the name in the upstream TLS certificate, or the upstream TLS certificate has expired.
534Project ErrorYour project’s serverless code has failed unexpectedly or has issued a malformed response. Use server logs to debug.
535Unknown ProjectThe HTTP header host is missing or does not match any Edgio deployment. Check your requesting URL and your project config.
536Project HTTP Response TimeoutEdgio did not receive an HTTP response from the upstream. Common causes are the upstream dropped the connection prematurely, the upstream application threw an exception, and the upstream took too long to respond.
537Project DNS Resolution ErrorFailed to resolve the host name through DNS, which might indicate a problem with your DNS provider or incorrectly configured domain name.
538Project Request LoopThe project exceeded the maximum level of three (3) nested Edgio requests. “Nested” means an Edgio site is the upstream of itself or of another Edgio site.
539Project TimeoutThe 539 status code is primarily caused by timeouts, but can also be caused by lack of allow lists (white lists) configured on your backend server. Timeouts: Your project’s serverless code did not respond on time, either due to slow or blocking upstream or to badly handled asynchronous requests in code (e.g. missing await or call to callback). Troubleshooting: You can view the timings and status codes of the components in the stack in the x-0-t header Use server logs and performance profiling to debug. You can also debug using information in Troubleshooting 539 Status Codes, which includes information about detecting allow list errors.
540Out of MemoryYour project’s serverless code caused an out-of-memory situation. Use server logs to debug and lower the memory use.
541Edgio Out of WorkersThe traffic was so high that the request could not be scheduled for processing within the scheduling timeout. Contact your account manager or our sales department at 1 (866) 200 - 5463 to upgrade your account.
542Project Header OverflowThe Edgio project’s request or response had too many HTTP headers. See limits
543Global Upstream TimeoutThe request failed to propagate between Edgio edge and the global POP. Please contact support.
544Invalid Host HeaderThe Edgio received a value in host header that is not a valid domain name.
545Edgio Component Not ReadyAn unprepared Edgio component received traffic. Please contact support immediately.
546Edgio Global POP TLS ErrorThe was an error negotiating a secure TLS connection with the Edgio global POP. Please contact support immediately.
547Edgio Global POP No HTTP ResponseEdgio did not receive an HTTP response from the global POP. Please contact support immediately.
548Edgio Global POP DNS Resolution ErrorEdgio failed to resolve the global POP’s host name through DNS. Please contact support immediately.
Obviously, your project can set status codes of their own, which may sometimes match codes above. We encourage you to avoid setting your own status code so as to lower troubleshooting overhead and other issues.

Standard status codes used by Edgio itself

Edgio also issues these standard response codes:
400Bad RequestThe URL is too long or the request headers are too large. See limits
404Not FoundThe server cannot find the requested resource. This usually occurs when the browser requests a page that your app does not have. A 404 will also occur when a request does not match any of the routes in your Edgio router. See routing for more information.
412Precondition FailedThis code is returned when the query string parameter layer0_prefetch equals 1 and the content was not found in the edge cache.