
Universal Ad Configuration

Use the Universal Ad Config to integrate ads from your own third-party ad provider into your content.
Learn how to get started.


Universal Ad Config requires a third-party ad provider that supports:
  • GET ad requests
  • Passing ad parameters through query string parameters
  • One of the following ad response types:
    • VMAP 1.*
    • VAST 1.* , 2.* , 3.* , 4.*
    • VOD
      Pass the following query string parameter when an ad server returns VAST responses for ad requests in a VOD stream:
      Enabling the vast_vod parameter on a VOD playback session allows our service to create a VMAP template and manage all of the ad requests within that VOD asset across all ad breaks.

Passthrough Parameters

Use this prefix to pass known ad parameters to the ad server: ad.pt.<PARAMETER>=<VALUE>
If an ad server expects a campaign ID (e.g., 1234) to be passed through the c_id ad parameter, then you should add the following query string parameter to the playback URL: ad.pt.c_id=1234
Uplynk will then pass the following query string parameter in the ad request: c_id=1234


Use macros when the value of an ad parameter is unknown during ad configuration setup or playback. Uplynk will replace the following macros with data that is specific to the current playback session:
MacroPlayback TypeReplacement Value
[U_ASSET_DESC]Live or VODIndicates the description of the asset being played.
[U_ASSET_EXTERNAL_ID]Live or VODIndicates the external ID of the asset being streamed.
[U_ASSET_ID]Live or VODIndicates the system-defined ID of the asset being played.
[U_ASSET_OWNER_ID]Live or VODIndicates the system-defined ID for the user that owns the asset being streamed.
[U_BREAK_DUR_MS]LiveIndicates the duration of the ad break, in milliseconds, as requested by the Live Slicer.
Example: 60000.0
[U_BREAK_DUR_S]LiveIndicates the duration of the ad break, in seconds, as requested by the Live Slicer.
Example: 60.0
[U_BREAK_DUR_S_INT]LiveIndicates the duration of the ad break, in seconds, as requested by the Live Slicer. This metric reports whole integers by dropping the decimal.
Example: 60
[U_BREAK_NUM]LiveIndicates the number for the current ad break.
[U_BREAK_TYPE]LiveIndicates the type of ad break being requested.
Example: preroll | midroll | postroll
[U_DEVICE_IP]Live or VODIndicates the IP address associated with the current playback session. This IP address is derived from the X-Device-IP header. If that header is missing, then it will be derived from the X-Forwarded-For header.
[U_RANDOM_INT]Live or VODIndicates a random 8 digit number.
[U_SESSION_ID]Live or VODIndicates the playback session ID.
[U_STREAM_TYPE]Live or VODIndicates whether it is a live or VOD stream.
[U_TIMESTAMP]Live or VODIndicates the current timestamp in Unix time (seconds).
Example: 1681863595
[U_USER_AGENT]Live or VODIndicates the user agent associated with the current playback session. This user agent is derived from the X-Device-User-Agent header. If that header is missing, then it will be derived from the User-Agent header.
Add the following query string parameter to the playback URL to pass the ad break duration through the break_dur parameter: ad.pt.break_dur=[U_BREAK_DUR_S]
If the Live Slicer requests a 90-second ad break, Uplynk will pass the following query string parameter in the ad request: break_dur=90.0

Pass First Valid

Use the Pass First Valid prefix to define a default value that will be passed when a macro does not resolve to a value. This prefix instructs Uplynk to pass the first valid value from a comma-delimited list.
Syntax: ad.pfv.<PARAMETER>=<VALUE 1>[,<VALUE 2>,<VALUE N>]
Key Information
  • You may set a parameter to any combination of macro(s) and a static value.
  • If a macro resolves to a value, then Uplynk will pass that value to the ad server.
  • If you include a static value, it should be defined in the last position. Uplynk will try to resolve the macros that are listed prior to a static value. If those do not resolve, it will send the static value. It will not attempt to resolve macros defined after the static value.
Add the following query string parameter to the playback URL to pass an ad break duration for an ad configuration that will be used for both live and VOD streams: ad.pfv.break_dur=[U_BREAK_DUR_S],90.0
If the Live Slicer requests a 60-second ad break, then Uplynk will pass the following query string parameter in the ad request: break_dur=60.0
If this ad configuration is used for a VOD stream, then Uplynk will pass the following query string parameter in the ad request: break_dur=90.0