As part of our filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy relief, Akamai has acquired select assets from Edgio, including certain customer contracts from our content delivery, applications, and security businesses, but not including Uplynk. We encourage any active Edgio delivery, applications, or security customers that are not already engaged with Akamai to migrate their services, to contact their local Akamai office or as soon as possible to help avoid service interruptions. Service will end on January 15, 2025.

Any Edgio Uplynk customers can reach out to for any questions or concerns.


SCTE Plugins

Use these plugins to handle SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) standards. These standards are crucial for managing various aspects of digital video streams, including ad insertion, content protection, and more.

Baseline SCTE Plugin

The Baseline SCTE plugin provides SCTE signal processing functionality to the Live Slicer. To leverage this functionality, it must be enabled within your Live Slicer configuration file by adding the following lines:
1scte_type: python
2scte_module: scte_baseline


The Baseline SCTE plugin triggers blackout based on the splice_insert’s out_of_network_indicator field.
To achieve the desired blackout effect, set the out_of_network_indicator field to:
  • 1: Enter blackout.
  • 2: Leave blackout.

Content Start

In addition to a splice_insert with out_of_network_indicator set to 0, you can also start a new program by sending a time_signal with a segmentation descriptor where segmentation_type_id is set to 0x10 (PROGRAM_START).

Ad Insertion

Ad insertion is managed by time_signals with a segmentation descriptor having a segmentation_type_id of 0x34 (PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY_START). You can end an ad explicitly by sending a time_signal with a segmentation descriptor having a segmentation_type_id of 0x35 (PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY_END).
  • If segmentation_duration is 0 when starting an ad, the ad break will last until the next content_start, blackout, or explicit PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY_END is sent.
  • If segmentation_duration is set, the ad will last for the specified duration and then return automatically.
  • You can always end an ad preemptively by explicitly sending a PLACEMENT_OPPORTUNITY_END.

Python SCTE Plugin

Use the Python SCTE plugin to process your SCTE 35/104 signal with a custom Python file. Your code should contain specific functions that hook into SCTE processing and control the state of the Live Slicer.


Python and its libraries must be installed in your system’s shared library path. By default, the Live Slicer uses Python 2.7, which is included with Mac OS X and Ubuntu versions 14.04 LTS or lower. However, you may configure the Live Slicer (version 20031300 or higher) to use Python 3.6 by including the following configuration in your Live Slicer configuration file:
  • Syntax (Python 3.6):
    1scte_python_version: 3.6
  • Syntax (Python 3.6 installed with pymalloc support):
    1scte_python_version: 3.6m

Set up a Live Slicer

Set up a Live Slicer to use your Python SCTE plugin by adding the following settings to your Live Slicer configuration file:
1scte_type: python
2scte_module: my_scte_plugin
3scte_python_version: 3.6m
If you have not installed Python 3.6 with pymalloc support, then you should update the scte_python_version setting with the correct version.
Copy your Python plugin to the plugins subfolder of your Live Slicer’s installation directory and then replace my_scte_plugin with your Python plugin’s file name.
See information on the SCTE parameters in Live Slicer Configuratin File Settings.

Encrypted Plugins

Plugins may be either plaintext or encrypted. The configuration for both plaintext and encrypted plugins is the same with the exception of the file name. The file name for an encrypted plugin is the SHA-1 hash of the plaintext plugin’s file name. Although the file name will be encrypted, the scte_module parameter should still be set to the plaintext file name.
If both an encrypted and plaintext version of your plugin are found, then the plaintext version will take precedence.

Sample Scenario

In this sample scenario:
  • You have created a plaintext plugin called and stored it in the plugins subfolder of your Live Slicer’s installation directory.
  • You have encrypted the above plugin. The encrypted file name is:
Set the scte_module parameter to the following value:
1scte_module: scte_example
If you would like to use the encrypted version of this plugin, please verify that the plaintext version of the plugin is not present in the Live Slicer’s plugins folder.

Plugin Functions

The most basic plugin, which does nothing, must appear as:
1import slicer
2def Initialize():
3 return slicer.Initialize()
This function is necessary to establish proper communication between the plugin and the slicer. The second, optional, function is where you perform SCTE logic:
1def Process35(slice_info):
2 slicer.Blackout(long(0))
3 return long(0)
This function receives the SCTE35 packets and inside you may inspect the slice_info object containing the SCTE packet or call slicer module functions to control the slicer. SCTE104 packets are converted to SCTE35 and passed to this function for unified handling of SCTE.

Slicer Module

The slicer module provides a way for your plugin to call functions and manipulate slicer state.
The available functions are:
AdEndExplicitly ends an ad break.
AdMetaAdds metadata to an ad break.
AdStartStarts an ad break.
BlackoutInitiates blackout mode.
ContentStartStarts a new asset.
EndBoundaryEnds an ad boundary.
FlushBreakMetaDefines the presentation timestamp (PTS) at which the metadata defined via the MetaMetadata function will be applied.
GetStateIndicates the current Live Slicer state.
GetStatusReturns Live Slicer status and configuration information.
InitializeInitializes the slicer module.
MetadataAdds metadata to the asset currently being sliced.
MetaMetadataAdds metadata to the asset associated with the next segment.
SlicerLoggerLogs error conditions, informational messages, and debug messages.
StartBoundaryStarts an ad boundary.
TimedMetaAdds metadata as an ID3 tag at the presentation timestamp (PTS).


Initializes the slicer module. Call this function via the Initialize() function as shown above.


Returns a string that indicates the current Live Slicer state.
Valid values are:
  • start_blackout: Indicates that the Live Slicer started up and remains in blackout mode.
  • slicing: Indicates that the Live Slicer is currently slicing.
  • adbreak: Indicates that the Live Slicer is in an ad break.
  • replace: Indicates that the Live Slicer is in replace content mode.
  • blackout: Indicates that the Live Slicer is in blackout mode.
Sample request: print slicer.GetState()


Returns Live Slicer status and configuration information. The response for this function may contain the following parameters:
statusObjectContains Live Slicer status information. This object is similar to the status object returned by the status endpoint from the Live Slicer API.
configObjectContains Live Slicer configuration file settings.
slicerIDStringIdentifies the Live Slicer’s ID as defined in the Live Slicer configuration file.
externalIDStringIndicates the external ID that will be assigned to the CMS asset created from the live stream.
Sample request: print slicer.GetStatus()


Initiates blackout mode.
Sample request: print slicer.Blackout(long(pts))


Starts a new asset. Description and External ID are optional.
Sample request: print slicer.ContentStart(long(pts), "Description", "External ID")


Starts an ad break. Duration is optional. If omitted, you must call AdEnd() to end the ad break.
Sample request: print slicer.AdStart(long(pts), long(duration))


Explicitly ends an ad break.
Sample request: print slicer.AdEnd(long(pts))


Adds metadata to a specific ad break. Call AdMeta before starting an ad break.
This function only adds metadata to a specific ad break. It is not applied globally across all ad breaks.
Sample request: print slicer.AdMeta("key", "value")


Defines the presentation timestamp (PTS) at which the metadata defined via the MetaMetadata function will be applied.
Sample request: print slicer.FlushBreakMeta(long(pts))


Adds metadata to the asset currently being sliced as determined by the next video frame.
Metadata may be incorrectly applied to an asset under certain conditions. For example, metatadata may be applied to the previous asset when this function is called directly after a content_start. The recommended method for setting metadata is via the MetaMetadata and FlushBreakMeta functions.
View the metadata associated with an asset from within the CMS.
Sample request: print slicer.Metadata("key", "value")


Adds metadata to the asset associated with the next segment as determined by content start, ad start, etc.
The recommended method for associating metadata with an asset is to set it via the MetaMetadata function and then setting the presentation timestamp (PTS) at which it will be applied to an asset via the FlushBreakMeta function.
View the metadata associated with an asset from within the CMS.
Sample request: print slicer.MetaMetadata("key", "value")


Logs error conditions, informational messages, and debug messages to the terminal and syslog.
Learn more about logging.
Valid log levels are:
  • error: Logs error conditions.
  • info: Logs informational messages.
  • debug: Logs debug-level messages that may be used to troubleshoot an issue.
Syntax: print slicer.SlicerLogger("{Log Level}", "{Log Message}")
Sample request:
print slicer.SlicerLogger("info", "Started an asset boundary.")


Starts an asset boundary. If a boundary is already active, this is ignored. Duration is optional. If omitted, call EndBoundary() to explicitly end an asset boundary.
Sample request:
print slicer.StartBoundary(long(pts), name, long(duration))


Ends an asset boundary. This function is ignored when there isn’t an active boundary.
Sample request: print slicer.EndBoundary(long(pts))


Adds metadata as an ID3 tag at the presentation timestamp (PTS).
Syntax: print slicer.TimedMeta({Presentation Timestamp}, {Metadata Key}, {Metadata Value})
Sample request:
print slicer.TimedMeta(long(pts), "key", "value")