
Log File Naming Convention

RTLD assigns a name to log data stored as an object. Log data is stored as individual objects for the following destinations:
Log data stored within an object is compressed using gzip. Each object follows this naming convention:
The JSON document contained within an object follows this naming convention:
Sample file name (RTLD CDN - JSON log format): wpc_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
Sample file name (RTLD WAF - JSON log format): waf_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
Sample file name (RTLD Rate Limiting - JSON log format): rl_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
Sample file name (RTLD Bot - JSON log format): bot_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
Sample file name (RTLD Cloud Functions - JSON log format): serverless_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
Each of the above variables are described below.
  • <PREFIX>: You may define a prefix when setting up a log delivery profile. This prefix defines a virtual log file storage location and/or a prefix that will be added to each object added to your bucket.
    • A prefix should not start with a forward slash.
    • A forward slash within the specified prefix is interpreted as a delimiter for a virtual directory.
    • A trailing forward slash means that the specified value only defines a virtual directory path within your bucket where logs will be stored. If the specified value ends in a character other than a forward slash, then the characters specified after the forward slash will be prepended to the file name for each log file uploaded to your destination.
    Sample prefix: logs/CDN/siteA_
    The above prefix will store log files in the following virtual directory: /logs/CDN
    The file name for each log file uploaded to your destination will start with siteA_.
    Sample log file name: siteA_wpc_0001_123_20220111_50550000F98AB95B_1.json
  • <LOG TYPE>: Represents the type of log data.
    • RTLD CDN: This variable is always set to wpc.
    • RTLD WAF: This variable is always set to waf.
    • RTLD Rate Limiting: This variable is always set to rl.
    • RTLD Bot: This variable is always set to bot.
    • RTLD Cloud Functions: This variable is always set to serverless.
  • <AN>: Represents your CDN account number (e.g., 0001).
  • <PROFILE ID>: Represents the system-defined ID for your Real-Time Log Delivery configuration.
    You cannot currently view the system-defined ID assigned to your Real-Time Log Delivery configuration from within the Edgio Console.
  • <DATE STAMP>: Represents the date on which the log file was generated.
    Syntax: YYYYMMDD
    Example: 20230110
  • <AGENT ID>: Represents a unique ID that identifies the Real-Time Log Delivery software agent that generated the log file.
  • <SEQUENCE NUMBER>: Represents a sequential number that identifies the order in which the log file was generated by the software agent identified above.
    Each software agent assigns a sequential number to the log files that it generates. A gap between log files generated on the same day by the same software agent indicates missing log data.
    Learn more.
    Key information:
    • This number starts at 0.
    • This number resets to 0 at the start of a new day (UTC).
  • <FILE EXTENSION>: Represents the file extension for the log file. This file extension varies by log format.
    • JSON Log Format: json
    • JSON Array Log Format: json_array
    • JSON Lines Log Format: json_lines